Frittatas are baked egg dishes that make for a nutritious meal any time of day. The golden top will puff beautifully in the oven. Serve with fruit or a side salad.
Make mealtime a little bit easier by trying one of these recipes that require 5 ingredients or less. Be sure to catch the suggestions below for how to substitute alternative ingredients to make whipping up a home-c...
Let the family help you prepare dinner tonight! As the eggplant is being sliced, someone else can spread sauce on top of each slice, and a third person can sprinkle each slider with cheese and breadcrumbs. Yummy an...
Ramen is a pantry staple loved by children, college students, and adults alike. Ramen noodles are great because they’re inexpensive, easy to make, and flavorful. However, ramen noodles are not always the healthiest...
Try this quick and easy recipe for breakfast or as a dessert.
Vibrant and bold, this salad is a nutritional powerhouse.